Two of My Favorite White Daylilies

by Em
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I grow hundreds of daylilies and while I generally don’t enjoy white flowers, there are a couple of white daylily cultivars that have won me over—‘White Tuxedo’ and ‘Lullaby Baby’.

‘White Tuxedo’ is nearly pure white with a hint of lime green in its throat:

The plants grow 29 inches tall with eye-catching 5-inch flowers that appear in the middle of the daylily season.

‘Lullaby Baby’ is technically a light pink daylily, but that pink color is almost a whisper:

This cultivar has fragrant 4-inch flowers and the scapes only reach 19 inches tall so it makes a great front-row daylily in a flowerbed.

‘Lullaby Baby’ was registered more than 40 years ago, but you can still find this pretty plant for sale at Oakes Daylilies (no affiliation).




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