Shorts Weather

by Em
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So far the epic snowstorm we were supposed to get has been a bust. I just finished shoveling and it looks like my neighborhood received about 5 inches of snow overnight (8-12″ was predicted). It was enough to break my favorite snow shovel if that counts for anything.

The snow has stopped for now and the birds are starting to wake up and visit the feeders. Another 1-3 inches of snow may fall later today, so me and my not-so-trusty broken shovel will be back in action.

The real fun begins tonight when the polar vortex arrives and wind chills could dip as low as minus 60 degrees (F) over the next few days. I even splurged for an extra bag of birdseed so I could toss seed out for the freezing squirrels and rodents.

I just hope we keep our power and that there are no water main breaks. The forecast for next Sunday calls for rain and snow with a high of 40. Sounds like shorts weather.

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