Still Obsessed with Daylily ‘Mauna Loa’

by Em

Ten years ago I raved about my ‘Mauna Loa’ daylilies:

I grow hundred of daylilies, but I will always have a soft spot for ‘Mauna Loa’. For five or six weeks each summer, my clump of Mauna Loa’ daylilies is the most spectacular sight in my yard.

This hardy, dormant daylily grows 22 inches tall with can’t-miss, 5-inch orange flowers.

I sometimes fret about blending orange plants in my flowerbeds, but I throw caution to the wind with ‘Mauna Loa’. It looks good next to any color—even hot pink.

The flowers are not only stunning, but also delightfully fragrant. ‘Mauna Loa’ is an older cultivar (1976) so you can add it to your garden for less than ten dollars.

I’m still in love with this daylily today, but now there are many more of them because I’ve divided my plants and spread them all over the front and back yard where they add a pop of color to any flowerbed.

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