‘Raspberry Goosebumps’ Daylily

by Em

Our spring and summer weather must’ve been perfect for daylilies because mine churned out flowers like crazy during this season. It’s the best show I’ve had in years, and it was exciting to open up the window shades every morning to see what which cultivars would be showing off that day.

One of the most impressive was my ‘Raspberry Goosebumps’ daylily. Depending on the light conditions, the flowers can look cranberry-colored or a reddish-royal purple.

This daylily won the American Hemerocallis Honorable Mention award in 2010. The petals have a frilly golden edge and the scapes reach 28 inches tall.

I thought this daylily’s flowers were so pretty and unusual that I moved it to the front row of my front yard flowerbed so I would see it every time I left the house. It bloomed for weeks and weeks this summer.

‘Raspberry Goosebumps’ was registered in 2004. It’s a dormant daylily that has thrived in my flowerbed that gets the brunt of winter winds and sometimes even salt from passing snowplows.

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