The Last ‘Flame (of Hades’)

by Em

The last daylily to bloom for me this season out of the hundreds of cultivars I grow in my yard is ‘Flame of Hades’. This daylily cultivar was registered more than 40 years ago, and I’ve had my plant for more than 10 years.

The official color is “flame red self” but I would describe the flowers as pumpkin orange with a big yellow throat.

I moved this daylily two years ago when I swapped my astilbes (which were baking under the sun because a tree got removed) with some daylilies (which were languishing in the shade of an oak tree that has started to cut off afternoon sun to the west side of my yard).

The plants are all much happier since the swap, and ‘Flame of Hades’ really surprised me this month with an abundance of bright flowers that I can almost look in the eye—this daylily has 46-inch tall scapes!

The 6.5-inch flowers would look good growing next to a tall goldenrod, perennial rudbeckias or other late-season perennials.

‘Flame of Hades’ is a dormant daylily. My plant starts blooming in mid-August.

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