Peonies Take a Holiday

by Em

This was not a good year for peonies.

My ‘Celebrity’ peony only offered two blooms, and both of them last about 2 days before drying to a crisp.

Peony ‘Koningin Wilhelmina’ was planted a year earlier and it sent up all kinds of blooms, but they all had burnt edges. I’m not sure if that is drought-related or if it’s because of the surprise late-season snowstorm and freezing temperatures we had in April.

Thankfully as the blooms opened wide, you couldn’t even see those brown spots anymore.

And one of my peonies aborted ALL of its flower buds this year even though the plant grew 3 feet tall and looks robust.

But I have one that continues to be a star. ‘Moonstone’ shrugged off all the weather challenges and provided me with oodles of very-pale-pink flowers with that heavenly sweet fragrance.

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