Garden Winner: Daylily ‘Gypsy Rose Lee’

by Em
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Daylily ‘Gypsy Rose Lee’ is one of the prettiest flowers I’ve ever laid eyes on. The color is hard to describe and no attempt on my part will do it any justice.  I’ll defer to its registered color as a “rose and coral blend.” The flowers also feature a beautiful cream-colored watermark and yellow throat.

I searched for this daylily for two years. I saw it blooming at a daylily farm, but the plant wasn’t for sale. It was one of the owner’s favorites and not yet big enough to divide. Last August I was excited to find one at the Wisconsin Daylily Society’s Daylily Plant Sale at Olbrich Gardens (this year’s sale starts this Saturday, August 16th).

‘Gypsy Rose Lee’ grows 32 inches tall with 5.5-inch blooms. My plant gave me three weeks of flowers this summer which is great for a smaller clump in its first year. I can’t wait until it’s big enough to divide so I can add more of these beautiful plants around my yard.

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