Daylily Bling

by Em
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It’s 3 below zero outside with bitter winds driving the wind chills to twenty below. I’ve got the most pathetic-looking creatures outside my window including a “pile” of Mourning Doves snuggled up tight against the house, and a gigantic, puffed-up rabbit scavenging under the feeders with his ears pinned back to avoid the wicked winds. I would’ve taken photos, but all my windows are steamed up. That’s what happens when the temperature drops 45 degrees in 12 hours.

We’ve got 3 to 6 inches of snow coming tomorrow and possibly another 4 to 8 on Thursday. Did someone stuff me into a time machine and send me to last December? Sheesh!

I need to think about something else. How about a beautiful, golden daylily?

Every summer I fall in love with daylily ‘Forty Carats’ all over again. My plant grows in partial shade and it’s a ball of sunshine that really lights up the shadows.

‘Forty Carats’ grows 30 inches tall with 5.5-inch blooms. At first glance, the flowers appear gold, but they have undertones of orange that are just screaming to get out.

Once this mid-season bloomer gets started, I can’t stop taking pictures of it. I’ll be just as giddy about it when it starts blooming again next summer.

Maybe I could rig that time machine to take me there now.

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