Baby Love

by Em
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I hate to admit this because they are the most exasperating creatures, but when I looked out the window this weekend and saw three tiny squirrels sitting under my birdfeeder in the rain, I squealed. As Doc said in A Muppet Family Christmas: “Even weirdos are cute when they’re babies.”

Clearly baby squirrels are up to no good the second they pop out of the womb. As I watched, one pounced at every chipmunk and bird that ventured into his territory under the feeder.

Another was learning the art of thievery from his mother. She was hanging by her back feet in the apple tree pulling off the last few apples of the season and dropping them to the ground. The youngster was collecting them but his hunger got the best of him and he soon snuck off to a secluded location to devour an apple almost as big as he.

In the trees, the babies were amusingly unstable and wobbly. And like any siblings, there were fights over who got to sit in the best chair, which in this case was an old stump.

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