Ephemeral Surprises

by Em

In the past, I couldn’t understand why anyone would get excited about daylilies. Ten years and about 400 daylilies later, I can’t imagine my flowerbeds without them.  The fact that the flowers only bloom for one day confounded me at first, but now I find it magical. Every morning the garden brings a new surprise.

And because each beautiful scene lasts only one day,  I make a point to soak it all in with my eyes and my camera.

I might be greeted by a gorgeous flower from a new plant:

Or neighboring daylilies may bloom in tandem:

Some days the garden looks fiery hot:

And on other days, the muted colors rule:

I marvel at all the surprises, but my favorites are the show-offs that are just begging me to take their photograph:

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ear March 10, 2010 - 4:41 pm

With these warmer days and the snow finally starting to disappear, there is hope that soon we’ll be enjoying the bright and beautiful colors of our day lilies. Your pictures are wonderful to look at, making me think spring!! My day lilies are now exposed and I can see green on them (probably left-overs from last fall?)

Love, ear

Em March 11, 2010 - 7:25 am

I have a lot of green shoots too. Theoretically, the “dormant” varieties would die back to the ground and the “evergreens” would not. The “semi-evergreens” might do either (but here in the north they are generally supposed to die back too). Whether it’s old foliage or new foliage, it sure is exciting to see something green, isn’t it?

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