The Great Leap

by Em
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I’ve observed hundreds of squirrels over the years, and I’m still amazed by their agility. I’d never seen one make a mistake high up in the trees until the other evening.

I was watching one of the beasts happily leaping from branch to branch in the neighbor’s hickory tree. I’m not exactly sure what went wrong—perhaps he was suicidal from a peek at the extended forecast with all those 90-degree highs and uncomfortable dewpoints—but one second he was leaping and the next he was spread-eagled with clenched claws, plunging 30 feet toward the ground. I couldn’t help but gasp.

I had an obstructed view of the last 8 feet so I had no idea how it ended. Curiosity got the best of me, and I went outside to peer over the hedge. Would there be a pancaked squirrel in my neighbor’s backyard? I saw nothing but a lawn that really needs mowing.

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