Close, But No Cigar

by Em
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For the first time since December 1st, we almost made it through seven straight days without being under some sort of weather watch, warning or advisory, but we just couldn’t pull it off. Today we’re under a Winter Weather Advisory for 3-7 more inches of snow.

All the meteorologists are quick to remind us that next week we’ll experience the “coldest temperatures we’ve seen in 15 years” with nighttime lows near 20 below zero and dangerous wind chills. I’m really looking forward to that. It’s 12 degrees now and any hair that was sticking out from under my hat froze solid while I was shoveling this morning. Usually it thaws the minute I get back inside the house, but this time it took almost 10 minutes (note to self: shovel THEN shower).

Winter has worn out its welcome for the second year in a row, but things could be worse. How would you like to be a meteorologist? One local forecaster said on the air recently that he doesn’t go out in public anymore because of all the harassment. He sends his wife to the grocery store.

That sums it up quite nicely.

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