Get Thee Behind Me, Satan

by Em
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It’s getting harder and harder to resist the temptation to sprout all my flower seeds earlier this year. The forecast after today (when we’ll see a high of 66) shows temperatures in the mid-70s as far as the eye can see. That’s 30 degrees above normal for March in southern Wisconsin. One local meteorologist says he can’t remember a time when there were this many days in a row of potentially record-breaking high temperatures in a forecast.

Every day I have an argument with myself about sowing seeds. Fortunately we had a very warm spring a few years ago, so I do remember that while it was thrilling to have daylilies blooming in April, the garden was pretty pooped out and pathetic by August.

I need to keep reminding myself to hold firm so I’ll still have plenty of pretty flowers to enjoy in August and September.

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