The Nine

by Em
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Squirrels were scarce this summer in my backyard. My guess? They were busy making more squirrels because now whenever I look out the window I can usually count NINE of them.

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They come in only one size—extra large—and they are a fixture under my feeders where a piggish gang of starlings regularly dumps enough seed for a banquet.

Usually the sight of nine squirrels would have me in fits, but I’ve been tinkering with the position of the feeders, and I hope I may have finally come up with a combination that prevents the beasts from hurling themselves off the roof for a free meal.

The giant squirrels spend much of their time chasing each other. Sometimes four or five will form an angry little train that whips back and forth and around and around the yard. It’s funny to watch but makes me jump out of my chair when I’m working and that train crashes into the downspout and rattles the house.

I do realize that all it will take is one daredevil to successfully jump from the roof and I’ll suddenly have a nonagon-sized physics problem to solve.

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