More from My Wacky World

by Em
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As I’ve mentioned previously, I use Water Wigglers in all my birdbaths. Agitating the water attracts more birds, and it also discourages mosquitoes from laying eggs. The little part that moves the water around looks like this:

The other day I was deadheading some of my annuals and I found that little part more than 50 feet away from the birdbath. I’ve already suspected that raccoons are driven nuts by the sound of the agitator because they often pull apart the wiggler and toss the agitator in the grass and I have to hunt around for it. However, this is the first time they’ve actually carried it away and hid it. That’s just creepy and weird.

And speaking of creepy and weird, guess what I found a slug eating recently? A peanut! I had only dropped that peanut about 10 minutes earlier. Look how much he consumed in just that short amount of time!

My husband pointed out that slugs like beer (you can use beer to trap them), so it makes sense that they would need a bar snack. Why not peanuts?

And finally, I don’t have a photo for this one because it happened way too fast, but the other morning I was standing at the kitchen sink washing out my cereal bowl when I happened to notice a creature drinking from the birdbath. I did a double take. It was the cat from across the street. He was standing on his tippy-toes slurping away like it was the first water he’d seen after days in the desert.

Later that day I saw his owner opening the front door to let him back in the house. I had to restrain myself from yelling, “Your cat has birdbath breath!”


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