Decision 2008: No, Not Politics

by Em
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Every year at this time I work myself into a tizzy trying to decide which plants I’m going to sprout indoors from seed. I’ve already ordered all the seed packets, that’s the easy part. It’s deciding how many of each kind that I will actually sow that gives me fits. They all hold such promise.

It’s a bad time of year to be making such decisions. I can’t see my flowerbeds at all right now and I’m sure in my mind they are much bigger than what’s actually hiding under all of that snow. After months and months (this season it’s been months and months and months and months) of winter, I would be excited just to see a dandelion. How can I choose among all the different colors and scents and textures?

My little craving for vegetables back in January isn’t helping matters either. I only have so much space. Would I rather get some tangy peppers from that plot of soil or many vases full of colorful zinnias?

It would be easier if each seed packet could temporarily come to life like Michigan J. Frog did in the Warner Brothers cartoon (“Hello my baby, hello my honey…“) and plead its case. Instead I sit here with my shoebox full of shiny new seed packets and a bad case of analysis paralysis.

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