Longing for Daylilies

by Em
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Now that my poor daylilies have finally been given some breathing room, I can’t wait for them to make a triumphant return.

While I still got to enjoy some blooms from my overcrowded cultivars, the show just hasn’t been the same. I’m looking forward to waking up on a summer morning to a surprise burst of sunny-yellow from the daffodil-wannabe ‘Double Cutie’:

And some flair from the gorgeous, water-marked ‘Swallowtail Kite’:

I also divided my ‘Rozanne’ Geranium while I was in that dividing spirit—oh let’s face it was more a case of already being dirty and tired but in the zone—so hopefully I’ll get another pretty display like this one of ‘Rozanne’ with Daylily ‘Empire Strikes Back’:

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