Ben Franklin Forgot One Thing

by Em

Before the snow buried everything again, I went outside looking for signs of life in my yard yesterday.

The buds are getting fat on my Viburnum:

I think this tulip was planted during the Lincoln administration. It grows right next to the house and comes up every year without fail. Okay, my house certainly isn’t that old much less the tulip, but this is truly one tough plant:

Some of my daylilies, like ‘Spider Man’, are starting to sprout. I guess that’s what happens when you’re buried under a thick blanket of snow for 111 days in a row:

And last but not least…Ben Franklin said “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” He forgot crabgrass:

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ear March 21, 2008 - 2:02 pm

Dear Em,
I also had weeds growing in addition to bits of tulips and daffodils showing. So, pulled my first weeds from the garden the other day. But, today everything is covered with white again and nothing is showing.
We’re on our way to setting a new record for snow in one winter!!


Em March 24, 2008 - 6:29 am

At 5:26 p.m. on Easter Sunday we hit the .2 of an inch we needed for 100 inches. Let’s hope the records end there!

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