Sure Signs of Spring

by Em

The first crocus flowers appeared this weekend but the flowers didn’t open all the way because it was rainy and cloudy:

And my Sedum ‘Neon’ plants have already started growing happily, insulated by a blanket of leaves:

It’s been a rough month for Snowdrops. They have had to endure some crazy weather.

Many of the pretty, white-flowered plants started blooming when the temperature hit 70 degrees (F) last month, but soon after we had lows in the teens along with several days of advisory-criteria winds that desiccated the leaves and flowers.

Two weeks ago the ground was blanketed with 4 inches of fresh snow which was followed one week later by severe thunderstorms that dumped hail throughout the area.

Despite all of that, these tough little plants continue to bloom.



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jamesck18 March 27, 2017 - 10:23 am

Great to see signs of Spring. The fist week of March came in quietly but the last two weeks have been snowy and very cold. It was -15 C last night. Right now it’s -10. Major snowfall for Thursday and Friday! Only Rudbeckia under lights yet. Planning to start some Zinnias in a few days; red and purple peony poppies, and that’s it except for the Dahlias I saved over the winter. Your Dreamland Zinnias look great! I find that Zahara work best for me because our frequent damp spells. Keep sowing! James

Em March 27, 2017 - 2:43 pm

It sounds like our whiplash weather must be coming from Canada. 🙂

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