Daylily ‘Siloam Ethel Smith’

by Em
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Almost all of my first daylilies were miniatures, but as I became more and more interested in daylilies my tastes shifted. I’m currently obsessed with the large-flowered varieties.

I gave most of my miniature daylilies away, but one I continue to grow in my garden is ‘Siloam Ethel Smith.’ It grows 20″ tall with 3-1/4″ blooms. The color is hard to describe. Officially it’s “pinkish-beige” but depending on the light, it sometimes appears tan or very pale orange.

‘Siloam Ethel Smith’ has a pretty rose eyezone and green throat. It sends up a lot of blooms on one little daylily. My plant blooms for the entire month of July.

It’s a lovely daylily to photograph because the petals have diamond dusting—glitter-like sparkles on the petals that really shine in the sun.

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