I Think I Was Played by a Squirrel

by Em
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My yard has always attracted special squirrels. I’ve had squirrels with seizure problems, squirrels with missing tails, crippled squirrels who mosey sideways. The list goes on and on.

So I guess it shouldn’t have surprised me yesterday when I went outside in the chilly weather to toss some millet and cracked corn to the juncos, and a squirrel practically jumped on top of me. He ran toward me, not away from me.

At first I thought he might’ve been caught off-guard when I opened the door, but then I threw a second batch of seed and he ran right under my feet and started gobbling up every morsel he could get his little mitts on.

When he moved I noticed he was just a little lopsided, so I wondered if he has some sort of neurological issue? Or maybe he was just acting pathetic, and he’s come to realize that if you want to be in first in line for food, it’s best to rush the restaurateur.

Sucker that I am, I went back inside the garage and got him a small pile of peanuts. That was a big hit, and he continued to devour food like it was the first he’d seen in months.

For a creature who was behaving as if he was starving to death, he sure looked healthy and plump.

I think I was played.




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