Picky Poinsettia

by Em
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What I didn’t mention yesterday is that on the day after Thanksgiving I had already bought a poinsettia plant. That in itself was a drama. I picked out the perfect one but while covering it with plastic to prevent the plant from getting shocked by the 23F temperature outside, the sales clerk accidentally snapped off the main stem. She was mortified. She called a supervisor over for help who then yelled at her in front of me for not being more careful.

The clerk offered to pay for it out of her own pocket, but then the supervisor said she’d try to find a replacement. She was gone awhile and I stood there trying to console the store clerk who was pretty sure she’d just committed plant homicide. When the supervisor returned with the replacement, it didn’t thrill me, but at that point I felt so bad for the clerk that I just wanted to pay for my plant and get out of there!

I’ve had it 12 days now and it’s already starting to shrivel and drop leaves. The soil it’s growing in dries and drains so fast that I almost need to water it every other day. I try to wait until the soil dries out, but there seems to be a fine line between dry enough to water and so dry the plant starts drooping.

I just cannot get along with indoor plants!

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