Festive Flowers

by Em
1 comment

My husband and I picked out our Christmas tree in record time during our lunch break on Friday. It took us 5 minutes to make a decision, and 30 minutes later the tree was at our home, in the tree stand and it slurped up almost a gallon of water that first day.

While my husband was having the tree baled so we could get it into our vehicle, I went inside the garden center to pay. Last weekend I had seen these pots of poinsettias with white mums, and I thought they looked quite festive. I decided to purchase one.

Mums and poinsettias both prefer a lot of light, but I’m not so sure about the watering needs of each. Since I already have a brown thumb with indoor plants it will be interesting to see if I can keep this pot looking good through Christmas! #staytuned

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1 comment

ear December 3, 2018 - 7:31 am

Beautiful arrangement, Em. Hope you will still enjoy it at Christmastime!

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