Towering Turkeys

by Em
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Lately I’ve been thinking about the Jeff Goldblum quote from the original Jurassic Park movie: “Oh yeah, oohing and ahhing, that’s how it always starts, but later there’s the running and screaming.’

The turkeys that started visiting our feeders back in August have gotten HUGE. There were 12 birds to start with and then 9. Lately we’ve been seeing 7. That’s good because if they get any bigger they’re going to crash through the platform feeder with their big feet.

Yesterday when they arrived, the neighbors’ little cat was outside on a leash. While he pretends to be a fierce warrior when it comes to chipmunks and squirrels, he took one look at this band of monster birds and hid in a bush until they marched past.

And last month I nestled my birdbath in one of my flowerbeds so I wouldn’t have to move it every time we mowed the lawn. It makes for a funny sight when the turkeys stop for a drink:

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