The Critters are out of Hand!

by Em
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Too many times when I’ve looked out the window lately I’ve noticed some of my plants waving wildly even there’s no breeze. That’s my cue that a rabbit is hiding below munching on stems and leaves. There are places in my flowerbeds that are vast wastelands right now because the bunnies are mowing some plants right down to the ground.

I don’t know where all the foxes disappeared to, but I need them back because the rabbit population is out of control.

When I’m outside I have to be careful not to step on a chipmunk. They are scurrying everywhere gathering nuts and seeds for winter.

And the other other day my husband and I wasted about 15 minutes of our time before work trying to clean up a mess outside of our back garage door. Something dug two holes and left a mound of dirt behind that was so tall that it blocked part of the door. We tried to put the soil back in the holes but there was more of it than we could cram back in. That critter must’ve really dug deep.

I’m sure this is just the beginning of a several-weeks-long game we’re going to play, so we cut some pieces of chicken wire and secured them over that area with landscape ties. So far, so good!

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