Giant Wildlife

by Em
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After setting up a backyard camera I’m afraid to go out after dark for fear of running into the gigantic animals that make it their playground. We have a possum that’s bigger than a Beagle.

And we have a raccoon that’s even bigger than the possum (still haven’t gotten a good photo). He figured out how to get into our garbage cart. By the way, did you know raccoons LOVE chocolate whipped cream? What a mess.

We had to lock the top of the cart with carabiners or the raccoon gets inside and shred the garbage bags looking for treats (whipped and otherwise).

We also have several oversized rabbits and a flying squirrel. I sure wish the foxes and coyotes would come back and work on the rabbit population. Right now I’m thinking of cutting way back on the number of marigolds I sprout for next year’s garden since the bunnies continuously shaved them right down to the main flower stalk and I never saw a single flower.

Although then I wonder what nature balance upset I’ll create by NOT growing the marigolds. What will they target next?

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