Eating Crow

by Em
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I better get hungry fast because I’ve got a lot of crow to eat. About 10 days ago I said that it didn’t feel like it was going to be a very snowy winter. In fact, I didn’t mention it, but I really thought we’d have a brown Christmas. We’ve had two small snow events since then, but today is the big one. We’re expecting 10 to 16 inches and near-blizzard conditions.

Winter clearly did not appreciate me calling it lazy. Not only could we see up to a foot of snow, but the temperature will climb into the 30s today and then nosedive to a low of zero by Thursday night. Wind chills will be in the twenty-degrees-below-zero range. That’s January weather, not early December weather.

I apologize for riling you up, Winter, but I would like to point out that it’s still not too late for you to consider a lovely trip to Hawaii.

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