Es Schneit

by Em
1 comment

After the last two snowy winters, the amount of snow in this photo I took this morning doesn’t impress me at all except when you consider that most of it fell during the seven hours I was asleep.

By 6:30 this morning I measured about 15 or 16 inches of snowfall depending on where I stuck my measuring tape. Since then I would guess an additional inch or so has fallen.

The temperature hovered in the low 30s all night so the snow is very wet and heavy and all of the tree branches are frighteningly weighted down. I fear what could happen later this afternoon when the winds pick up and the temperate drops like a rock into the teens. We may hear some snapping and clunking.

When I stepped outside to shovel for the birds this morning, my three 20-foot arborvitaes were splayed in all directions with many branches touching the ground. I spent the next hour shaking and whacking all 45 of my arborvitaes to prevent them from further damage. I hope they appreciate that fact that most of the snow I knocked off ended up on my head, down my back and in my boots!

The snow blower worked like a charm and provided hours of entertainment for my husband. Unfortunately, I somehow managed to lose my favorite shovel outside. I used it near the front door this morning and now it has disappeared. I’ve searched everywhere inside the house and out. All I can think of is that I stuck it in a snowbank and it tipped over and got covered by the snow flying from the snow blower. Maybe I’ll find it again in spring.

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1 comment

Em’s Garden » Dozens of Jobs Saved or Created December 18, 2009 - 7:25 am

[…] of the snow has melted, but there’s still no sign of my favorite shovel. The good news is I’ve finally found a use for the neighborhood squirrels. I’ve hired […]

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