More and More and More and More…..

by Em
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The snow is starting to get pesky again like last year. We’re seeing it about every other day, and the current forecast calls for 1-3 inches tomorrow night, 2-4 inches on Monday night and 1-3 more on Tuesday. Thankfully none of the systems have dumped more than 3 inches at a time so it’s easy been pretty easy to shovel.

This time I have a completely different shoveling plan. Last year I kept thinking the snow would have to stop at some point so I just tossed it anywhere. But now I shovel it like it will never, ever stop. I carry as much as I can across the street and dump it in the boulevard so I’ll have more room next to my driveway and terrace in January when arms are about ready to fall off.

My husband and I almost bought a snowblower this fall, but with a one-car garage there really isn’t a good place to keep it without moving the car in and out every time we want to use it. We’re hoping it can’t possibly snow as much as it did last year. Or can it?

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