Freebie Love

by Em

A few years ago my friend and I were saddened to learn that one of our favorite daylily farms was going out of business. When we visited the farm for the last time, the owner was in an everything-must-go frame of mind, and we brought home quite a haul.

Because the clumps were so large we were able to cut them in half and make even more daylilies. Many of the cultivars my friend shared with me have become favorites.

I wasn’t sure if I would like ‘Margaret Seawright’. It’s a dormant yellow and orange bitone, and I was afraid it might be too “noisy.” I initially stuck it in the wild corner of my property, but when it bloomed for the first time, I realized ‘Margaret Seawright’ and I were going to get along just fine.

The plant grows 24 inches tall with 5-inch flowers that bloom for over a month each summer in my garden. ‘Margaret Seawright’ looks great with bright-yellow flowers like Coreopsis ‘Sunray’:

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mel November 5, 2010 - 12:22 am

Thank you for all of your great pictures, daylily information, pics of combos that look good together, and annual growing information. The best information comes from people who have actually grown the plants they talk about. Your site has a wealth of useful advice and ideas. I know it takes time and effort, so thank you for sharing.

Em November 5, 2010 - 7:13 am

You’re very welcome. I’m so glad you find the information useful!

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