Middle-of-the-Border Blues

by Em
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I’ve been busy poring over seed catalogs and making lists of what I want to grow when it finally stops snowing (insert laughter here).

In the last few years I’ve noticed a disturbing trend. Some of my middle-of-the-border, old standbys are disappearing. This year one of my favorite annuals is conspicuously absent from any and all catalogs. The Nicotiana ‘Domino’ series provided me with some of the most carefree plants in my garden. It was available in more than a half-dozen colors that included pinks and purples as well as white (above) and red (below), but this year the seeds are nowhere to be found.

Last year I was disappointed when Ageratum ‘Bavaria’ (photo below) and Marigold Jubilee ‘Diamond’ were no longer available. And several years ago it was Zinnia ‘Peter Pan Plum’. I’m still bitter about that one.

I’m all for new and improved plants, but so far I haven’t found anything that takes their place. The ‘Magellan’ series zinnias are awesome, but there’s no purple which is why I want my ‘Peter Pan Plum’ back. Most of the ageratums are either very short or very tall, but ‘Bavaria’ struck a nice balance at 14 inches. The colors are what I’ll miss the most about the Nicotiana ‘Domino’ series. I could always tuck them in anywhere because they transitioned so nicely with other annuals.

One bright spot for me in the world of seed-starting is Zinnia Profusion ‘Knee High Red.’ I saw it at a test garden several years ago and have been waiting to get my hands on some seeds. It’s finally for sale this year. I was hoping it was a mid-size grower like the other Profusions (12-15″), but alas this one ate a few more Wheaties and clocks in at 20 to 24 inches tall. It also comes in white.

If the mid-size plants are going to keep disappearing like this, I’m going to have to resort to Plan B.  Maybe it’s time to start collecting garden gnomes.

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