Not Ready for Snow

by Em
1 comment

We got another little snow event yesterday that caught everyone off guard including the squirrels.

It was supposed to be a less-than-an-inch affair, but the amount that fell was about 2 inches and started in the wee hours of the morning when it was still cold enough to stick to the roads and sidewalks. The morning commute was a mess.

As I lay in bed listening to the much-longer-than-normal traffic report I realized our shovels were on a storage shelf way up high in the garage. Our snow blower (which we obviously didn’t need for such a small snowfall) is still at a shop getting a tune-up.

Thankfully I was able to get my hands on one lone shovel in the garage, but the salt in our salt bucket had fused into one giant block, and I had to chisel it apart to get any useable salt.

It’s only November, but clearly I need to get my act together before we get a real snowstorm.

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1 comment

jamesck18 November 28, 2013 - 12:06 pm

Still no snow; temperature near 50 F, but very windy. I’m sure we’ll soon have lots of it. James

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