Maybe Morels

by Em
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Last summer a bunch of these curious mushrooms started appearing in our yard. They reminded me of photos I’ve seen of morel mushrooms, but I never got around to doing any research.

Last week two more such mushrooms appeared. I accidentally chopped up the smaller one with the lawn mower, but this one continues to grow. It’s almost 4 inches tall.

I looked up the characteristics of morel mushrooms, and this one is a complete match except for one thing. The final test would be for me to slice it open and see if it’s hollow inside. If so, it’s truly a morel mushroom.

No, I’m not going to eat it. If it doesn’t come from the grocery store or the farmer’s market, I’m not taking any chances.

However, I will eventually cut into this big boy and see if it’s hollow inside, just so I can prove once again that you don’t have to venture into the woods or wilderness to find interesting plants, birds and animals. Many of them are in your own backyard, even if you live in the city!

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