Ice Ice, Baby

by Em
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We got more of an ice storm than a snow storm on Sunday. We received one inch of rain/freezing rain on Saturday night which eventually changed to several inches of snow. Because the temperatures fell from the 30s into the upper teens, that ice isn’t going anywhere for quite a few days. Yesterday we had snow showers on and off, but a second cold front came through in the afternoon (oh joy, yet even COLDER temperatures!) and for about 10 minutes, the sky cleared and the sun came out.

The view outside was blinding. All the trees were lit up like diamonds, so I grabbed my camera and ran outside. As with most weather fronts, the winds started to gust. The ice-covered trees, shrubs and power lines were jingling and creaking. It was a fascinating yet creepy sound. I was afraid to move too close for any photos because I didn’t know if I would get clobbered by tree branches or falling ice.

While I don’t appreciate the damage the ice is doing to my trees, especially my clumped-up, hunched-over arborvitaes, it certainly is beautiful when the sun shines on it.

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