A Christmas Miracle

by Em
1 comment

When a houseplant can stay alive in my home for more than a year, it’s called a miracle. In this case, a Christmas miracle. All three of my Christmas cactus plants are alive and blooming in time for the holidays!

A fourth plant developed rot and I had to throw it out a few months ago, but I saved one one of the shoots to start a new plant. It’s taking FOREVER to grow. It’s probably still mad at me.

And the lives of 5 African violets were cut short by my brown thumb this year. So far the two replacement plants I bought are hanging in there!

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1 comment

ear December 18, 2017 - 4:59 pm

Love the white Christmas cactus, Em. And the shoot from your rotted cactus is nice and green. There’s still life in it–and hope!

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