My New Orchid

by Em
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I bought a new orchid recently. It only took me 8 years to brown thumb the one I got as a gift from a friend. I’m still not sure if I under-watered it or over-watered it, but it let me know something was wrong—the roots are all dry and crispy and the leaves are droopy and nothing I do seems to fix it. Still, keeping a houseplant of any kind alive and healthy for 8 years is a miracle around here.

The new one is a pretty lavender-tinged white with freckles. When I was putting my orchid in its new home I noticed it has a very lovely fragrance, too!

Phalaenopsis orchids are the easiest orchids to grow. They appreciate indirect light or morning light from an east window and a once-a-month boost of 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 fertilizer.

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