Critter Count 1-01-10 (a tally of the critters in my yard)

by Em
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Time: 7:30 a.m.

Conditions: Sunny and a whopping 3 degrees Fahrenheit

Observed from: inside the house (DUH–it’s 3 degrees out there! Okay, I did go outside to sprinkle birdseed on the ground for the sparrows and juncos)

Notes: First I’d like to say that no matter how many years you’ve lived in a cold climate, it’s still disconcerting to go outside and feel your hair freeze solid and clank together like tiny weapons. Secondly, is it just me, or is 1-01-10 tricky to type/write? I’ve screwed it up a half-dozen times already today. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t work with binary code.

Today’s Count:

The birds must all be huddled somewhere because it’s very quiet at the feeders this morning.

5 Juncos

1 Crow

1 Fox Sparrow wondering why he didn’t migrate from this icebox

1 Cardinal

1 House Sparrow

2 White-breasted Nuthatches

2 Gray Squirrels

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