Flower Ideas: Show Me…Something Fragrant

by Em
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Rose ‘Double Delight’ is one of the most fragrant roses available. Some people claim you can smell the flowers before the buds even open.

‘Double Delight’ is a hybrid tea rose. It needs winter protection in colder climates, and like other hybrid teas it’s susceptible to black spot, but the delightful rose fragrance is worth the fuss.

Many daylilies are described as fragrant, but you usually have to plunge your nose into them to detect anything. That’s not the case with ‘Prairie Moonlight.’  This creamy yellow daylily grows 34 inches with huge 8-inch blooms. The fragrance is especially noticeable on humid days.

I would describe the scent of Oriental lilies as heady. One flower can fill a house with fragrance.

My favorite Oriental lily is ‘Muscadet’. The flowers are huge (up to 10 inches) and outfacing. These bulbs bloom for several weeks in July.

It’s actually the leaves of anise hyssop Agastache foeniculum that are fragrant. Crushing them brings out a strong licorice scent. This perennial herb grows 2-1/2 to 3 feet tall in sun or part shade and reseeds freely (but not annoyingly). Of all the flowers I grow, anise hyssop is the biggest bee magnet.

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