Flower Ideas: Show Me…Multi-colored Daylilies

by Em
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Daylily ‘Color Coordinated’ is a show-stopper. The 5-inch flowers display shades of burgundy, violet, yellow-green and creamy-white. ‘Color Coordinated’ blooms mid-season on 28-inch scapes:

‘Wispy Rays’ grows 36 inches tall with 8-inch flowers in shades or red, orange, yellow and lime green. ‘Wispy Rays’ blooms in the middle of the daylily season.

The red and orange hues really pop when you plant this daylily with yellows like tall zinnias, marigolds, goldenrods or other tall yellow or gold daylilies:

‘Royal Rendezvous’ shows off purple flowers that transition to a pink/mauve color as you get closer to the center. Then the color shifts to a very bright yellow and ends with a lime-green throat. ‘Royal Rendezvous’ grows 26 inches tall with 6-inch flowers that appear early in the daylily season:

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